
Tone Generator

Today in class we were playing with a tone generator program on a laptop. (I mean learning about sound waves)If you would like to down load the tone generator for yourself here is the link. Tone Generator Download site

Things to try
Play a single tone through some speakers and then walk slowly in front of the speakers listening for areas of constructive and destructive interference
Play two tones of slightly different frequency and create "Beats"
Drive your friends and family wild with disturbing noises
Have a good break and do some physics activities from your text books.


Practice Exams

It is a busy time coming up with the Senior Assessment fortnight starting on the 9th of September. You lucky year twelve physics students have several goals during this time.
Practice NCEA style assessments for the topics: 
  • Mechanics
  • Electricity and magnetism
  • Atoms and radioactivity
Gain Credit in intenal assessments written examination
  • Demonstrate understanding of Physics in an integrated context (3 Credits)
These will take place during the three hour exam on Thursday 11 September.
But wait there's more....
in another three hour session held in room B5 you will have the opportunity to gain further credit for:
  • Take measurements of physical quantities and analyse data graphically to determine a relationship (4 credits)
The times for this assessment are  Thursday 11 September 8.45 and 11.35, Friday 12 September 8.45 and Monday 15 September at 8.45. Make sure you have booked into the session you can attend.