
Looking back at where we've been

Since February we have been looking at the Mechanics topic. This has also provided a useful context to covering some of the maths and experimental skills required at this level.

There are a wide range of useful physics resourses online and those that demonstrate concepts through the use of applets are particularly good. This concept map for mechanics topics is from a good basic website that covers many of our topics this year.

Happy Fizziks
Mr Edwards


Momentum and Impulse

The words of the week are Momentum and Impulse. They are quite closely related and the Momentum concept is going to make use of all those vector maths skills we have been honing over the last few weeks.

A good way to think about momentum is as an objects "quantity of motion". It combines the motion and the mass of a object. Impulse is the net force applied to an object multiplied by the length of time it is applied.

The effect of impulse on an object is to accelerate (or retard) it which of course will change it's momentum. In fact: Impulse = the change in Momentum.

Happy fizziks
Mr Ed


Physics = Applied Mathematics

There is now one less excuse for being behind in your homework or not being totally prepared to do well in year twelve physics this year. By checking this blog you be able to figure out where we are up to in our physics marathon.

Please feel welcome to ask any questions via comments it is very likely that you have having trouble with some aspect of the course other students will be too.