
Relative Motion and Vector Addition

It is difficult to think of a more reliable source of scientific knowledge than a Japanese Game Show here is a short clip showing a relative motion demonstration.

Simple demonstration of vector addition.



Working on activities 7b and c of our physics text book



Due on Monday 16 February. 

Activity 7a questions 1 to 8


Please make an effort to grasp the concept of vectors. There are a couple of links in the right sidebar that should help if you need to have further explaination.



Our first practical.

How can such a simple thing as a model car traveling down an inclined slope become such a mission of data collection, repeats and graphical analysis.

  Such are the joys of year 12 Physics.


Activity 7a question numbers 1 to 4.


Welcome to Yr 12 Physics 2009

Welcome to another year of Physics. I always find it an exciting time meeting my new students and trying to figure out what things are going to be like in the coming year. So far I like what I see. It was good to hear the range of reasons students had for choosing to study physics and having clear goals is sure to help motivate you to succeed well in this course.

The intentions of this blog include:
  • To encourage students to use the resources available on the Internet to help in learning new skills and gaining knowledge about physics.
  • To provide a mechanism to express dissatisfaction about any aspects of what is happening during the year in physics. (positive feedback is also welcome).
  • To discuss or ask questions about any aspect of the course.
  • To help you do as well as you possibly can in this subject.
One of my favourite physics web resources are YouTube videos. It would be great if our class can contribute our own small contribution to this ever increasing collection this year. 
One of the first things we will have to get our heads around this year is the concept of vector quantities and one of the simplest is the distinction between distance and displacement. Here is one persons explanation

Time to think about refreshing your memory about trigonometry?